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Global Studio Marketing Podcast

Oct 29, 2021

Many who start businesses are inventors, engineers, technicians, service professionals...and they aren't that comfortable with sales when they begin their entrepreneurial journey.

So they make a major mistake...they outsource it.

They hire some high falutin' sales rock star. Or worse...they hire a wannabe sales rock...

Oct 14, 2021

It's a beautiful thing to witness when you discover entrepreneurs who truly LOVE their customers.

There are few things more joyful than enjoying the work you do while serving the people who make your business a success.

Sadly, there are many businesses where it's painfully obvious the owners don't really like their...

Oct 11, 2021

One of the most common statements you'll hear from entrepreneurs is this: "I never thought it would be this difficult to get sales."

This is completely understandable. It's the dream of all entrepreneurs that they are going to introduce a product or service to the market that is SO amazing, they won't even...

Oct 4, 2021

Good marketers never lie. They don’t have to.

First of all, they are involved early enough in the development of products and services to make sure they are excellent.

And, they also know, as has been taught here with great frequency, the truth always comes out eventually.

Believe what you may or may not about the...