Apr 25, 2022
As a marketing professional for a quarter century...and someone
who is also a traditionally published author of historical novels,
Michael can tell you this:
There are a lot of similarities between an author and an
In fact, he's worked with many, many authors with their marketing, and teaching them that...
Apr 15, 2022
The goal of marketing is the same for just about any business. That is, to bring attention to your products or services.
If you're successful, why you might even be able to draw a crowd.
There aren't too many businesses where they say, "I sure hope no one shows up."
We want a large audience. A wide customer base. Yet,...
Apr 5, 2022
One of the grandest illusions and delusions when it comes to marketing is that it's your job to trick your customer into saying YES.
Whatever hack. Whatever latest gimmick. Whatever innovative trickery you can muster.
This kind of Machiavellian approach to malevolent con artistry has plagued the high roads of strategic...